Cullinan Diamond Tour Underground Tour


Discount price is R600 for 2 or more people

Single Price: R2900

Shared Price: R2300


This world famous diamond mine is a renowned source of rare diamonds. Cullinan scored its place in history in 1905 when the largest rough gem diamond was found and cut to form the two most important diamonds in the British Crown Jewels.

Experience surface and underground mining methods or glory hole mining uniquely practised at Cullinan Diamond mining. The presence of the state-of-the-art diamond cutting factory makes your tour much more interesting as you can buy diamonds and jewellery straight from the source at best possible prices.

This world famous diamond mine is a renowned source of rare diamonds. Cullinan scored its place in history in 1905 when the largest rough gem diamond was found and cut to form the two most important diamonds in the British Crown Jewels.

Experience surface and underground mining methods or glory hole mining uniquely practised at Cullinan Diamond mining. The presence of the state-of-the-art diamond cutting factory makes your tour much more interesting as you can buy diamonds and jewellery straight from the source at best possible prices.

Inquire on Booking
+2778 930 4295